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Springtime Friendship

When Douglas’ wife called to tell him that their car had been stolen, Mark was there. Another time, Mark was being harassed about his visual impairment, Douglas was there. For the last three years, Mark and Douglas have been there for each other.

“He gets me and I get him” is the gist of the relationship according to Douglas.

This blossoming friendship is made possible by Brain Injury Services’ PALS Program. In this program, a mutually enriching relationship is coordinated between a community volunteer and a client of Brain Injury Services. Doug and Mark’s friendship has grown as they have each navigated the ups and downs of life together as friends.

Douglas ignited a spark in Mark through the years as they’ve enjoyed activities such as attending a craft fair or grabbing a cup of coffee at Starbucks. It’s a human connection – brain injury or not – and it is something we all benefit from.

Often times, after brain injury, socialization with friends and family becomes quite difficult for survivors. A priority of Brain Injury Services is to assist our clients in reengaging the community in positive and constructive ways.

As springtime is upon us, let’s follow Douglas and Mark’s example and remember to be there for one another. The weather is beautiful and there is no better time than now to engage and reconnect with neighbors and friends.