
ADAPT Clubhouse
ADAPT Clubhouse is a place for individuals with brain injuries to participate in a supportive work-ordered day. This is achieved through skill building, volunteerism, vocational exploration, and Employment Development Services (EDS).

Case Management
Individuals are served through a community-based case management system that supports person-centered planning and a survivor-directed approach.

In the ComPASS (Community Participation and Skill-building Services) program, occupational therapists works with clients to build life skills through different therapy methods including assistive technology and cognitive rehabilitation.

Short-term, goal directed counseling services for clients and their caregivers to help them cope with related emotional concerns such as depression, anxiety, or grief.

Fredericksburg Day Program
A day program that serves clients in groups and individually with the goal of increasing their integration into the community in Fredericksburg City or the counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, Caroline, Fauquier, and Culpeper County.

Friendship Programs
Individualized services that facilitate success in accomplishing goals and finding productive activities in the community including Speakers Bureau, PALS, and Person-Centered Volunteering.

Support Groups
Support groups offer individuals opportunities to socialize and share information, issues, and ideas.

Veterans Program
Specialized programs and services intended to work alongside other veteran services that may already be in place.

Vocational Services
Provides assistance with setting suitable volunteer and employment goals, finding and keeping a paid volunteer job, and thriving at work using the long-standing supported employment model.