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Local Nonprofit Receives Donation to Help Brain Injured Develop Computer Skills

June 26th, 2019


Aleena Gardezi

703-451-8881 ext. 238

Springfield, VA (June 26, 2019)— — Brain Injury Services, Inc., (BIS) has received $3000 in honor of BIS client, Bryant Cohen from his friend and supporter, Thomas Holly. Holly, who leads PwC’s US Asset & Wealth Management, donated the money to support an effort where clients are learning or developing a technical skill.

A few months before his wedding, Cohen fell down the stairs of his garage and sustained a traumatic brain injury – hospitalizing him for weeks, delaying his wedding, and leaving him unable to return to work.

Cohen connected with Brain Injury Services and his case manager referred him to Brain Injury Services’ ADAPT Clubhouse where he could work on his independent living skills. His primary goal was to return to work where he was the Senior Vice President and Tax Director at a $16 billion private investment group. Cohen knew he could make progress at the ADAPT Clubhouse and credits many of his gains after his brain injury to his involvement at the ADAPT Clubhouse.

 “Since I have been coming to ADAPT my mental stamina has gotten better and I feel more motivated,” Cohen added. “I love the people here. The social aspect has been great for me.”

“Thanks to the generous donation made in honor of Bryant Cohen, the ADAPT Clubhouse was able to purchase six new computers and a new high efficiency all-in-one printer to enhance the technology and accessibility of the Communications Unit,” Dyanna Citizen explained. “We’re excited to have updated technology to best assist members in reaching their educational and vocational goals.”


About ADAPT Clubhouse:

The ADAPT Clubhouse is a vocationally-oriented brain injury day program located in Alexandria, VA, which is a core program of Brain Injury Services.  ADAPT Clubhouse is a place for individuals with brain injuries to participate in a supportive work-ordered day. The primary focus of the program is to assist individuals with brain injuries to lead productive lives. This is achieved through skill building, volunteerism, vocational exploration, and Employment Development Services (EDS).

About Brain Injury Services:

Brain Injury Services helps children and adults with a brain injury build the skills and confidence they need to lead a fulfilling and productive life. For over 26 years, Brain Injury Services has been repairing lives, recovering possibility and restoring hope by offering the community innovative programs and services that meet the needs of survivors of brain injuries and their families. Each year, Brain Injury Services assists over 600 individuals and families who have experienced the devastating effects of brain injury, stroke, and concussion. We provide this assistance through core programs, including case management, specialized programs, and multiple support groups. Our services extend throughout Northern Virginia, Fredericksburg, Winchester, and the surrounding counties. Find out more at

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