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What is WRAP?

Over the summer a new group at Brain Injury Services has been helping survivors on their journey of recovery. WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is a highly interactive and very practical 10-week course for survivors who want to create a plan to improve personal wellness.

WRAP was developed by mental health specialist Mary Ellen Copeland who created the program after struggling with her own battle with mental health for years. The program is centered around five key concepts that – according to Copeland – are common in the life of someone who is empowered and recovering. Here are the themes:

1. Hope
2. Education
3. Personal Responsibility
4. Self-Advocacy
5. Support

Below is a short questions and answers session with Kelvin Evans. Kelvin completed the first WRAP group at Brain Injury Services and has decided to move towards becoming a WRAP instructor for future groups.

Question: How do you feel after completing the WRAP course?

Kelvin: “I feel like I have a bulletproof vest on right now. Stress comes into my life and now bounces off. Being knowledgeable about the WRAP tools has made this possible. The information I learned in this class has formed this bulletproof vest and I feel stronger.”

Question: What is the most valuable insight you learned in the WRAP group?

Kelvin: “Never give up and have hope… I’ve given up before and let myself go… I feel like I couldn’t go on. But when I reached out to Brain Injury Services, I was connected with James who was able to really support me. The tools I have now allow me to move forward and have hope for tomorrow.”

Question: What would you tell another survivor who is thinking about joining the next WRAP group?

Kelvin: “I want to get the message out there – this program works. This can change your life. It is practical for your daily activities. It’s a comfortable place where you can be open and honest. Everyone is on the same wavelength. You don’t want to miss it…”

The next WRAP group is starting Thursday, September 8th. Contact Sara Aly at for more information.

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