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How Pets Make You Happier

They say a dog is man’s best friend and, well, they’re right! Science shows that pets affect our emotional well-being. They make us more social, more conscientious, have better self-esteem, and healthier relationships. Even just thinking about a cute animal curbs our loneliness and boosts endorphins. Still skeptical? Here are three ways pets make you a happier, better person:

Reduce stress—Had a rough day at work? Spend some time with your furry friend. Science shows that pets are more effective than medication in decreasing blood pressure, heart rates and the stress hormone cortisol.

Boost exercise—Dogs crave an active lifestyle and require their owners to live actively, too. According to, “dog owners are 54% more likely to get the recommended amount of exercise.” Plus, owning a dog promotes more family activities and bonding.

Encourage empathy—While pets offer unconditional love and support, they always teach those values, too. Kids who grow up with dogs and cats display more empathetic personalities than those who grew up without pets.