Work, family, kids, activities, hobbies… there’s a lot going on in our lives. With so much to do and so little time, it can be pretty difficult to take a moment and really focus on you. How are you doing? How do you feel? How can you take care of yourself?
Wellness is all about living a complete, healthy lifestyle and incorporating smart choices into your everyday life. It means taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When things are busy, wellness often takes a backseat to other priorities. Luckily, today we thought of a couple ways to bring it back to the forefront of your life. Here are some easy tips on how to incorporate wellness into your day.
Stick to the same bedtime.
One way to make sure your body feels energized and relaxed is to stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Bad sleep doesn’t necessarily come from staying up late, but rather from inconsistency—long nights here, short nights there, sleeping during the day then not being able to sleep at night, etc. Pick a time that works for you, then try to stick to it as much as possible. When you make sleep a priority in your schedule, your body will thank you for it.
Eat breakfast.
We get it. You’re rushing, the family’s in a hurry, everybody is running late. But, like most experts say, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and make sure to incorporate a delicious, nutritious breakfast into your morning. If morning time really is a significant rush, invest in some breakfast bars or on-the-go snacks so you can still get something in your stomach. You will have more mental and physical energy to start your day off and keep it going throughout.
Do easy exercises.
Have a few minutes over lunch? Go for a walk around the building, a quick jog around the blog or even just some light stretches. Exercise is important, but it can be difficult to be involved when life is already crazy. Figure out some ways to incorporate easy exercises into your everyday activities. For example, if the kids are watching TV, do some quick stretches. As tough as it is to make a habit, exercising now will make you feel better later.
Keep a journal.
Have you ever kept a journal before? Experts say that keeping a journal and writing down your thoughts or feelings can have significant mental and emotional health benefits. It helps you get everything out on paper, where you can make sense of it or choose to simply let it go. Choose a time every day to sit down and jot out a few ideas, whether that be in the morning when you’re just waking up, or at night as you’re processing the day. If you want to incorporate the feeling of wellness in your life, journaling is a great first step.
Try meditating.
Take your mental, emotional and spiritual health even further by practicing some meditation in your spare time. Meditation can simply mean sitting down, relaxing, taking deep breaths and focusing on being present in the moment. Meditation will help you to feel more at peace in your everyday life, and fully accept everything around you, for a more well-rounded self.
When life is busy, personal wellness can often be our last priority, but it doesn’t have to be. There are simple steps we can take every day to fully incorporate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness into our lives. Try out some of these ideas next time life is crazy and see how you feel.