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Webinar: Concussion Recognition and Recovery Campaign

Join us for an exclusive webinar discussing the outcomes of Brain Injury Services' Concussion Recognition and Recovery Campaign with host BIS CEO Donna Meltzer and special guests Dr. Gregory O’Shanick, Physiatrist; President and Medical Director of the Center for Neurorehabilitation Services and Medical Director Emeritus of the Brain Injury Association of America and Dr. Juliet… Read More »Webinar: Concussion Recognition and Recovery Campaign


Fredericksburg Women’s Coffee Social Group 

This social/support group is for clients, loved ones, and caregivers. It focuses on building relationships, bonding with peers, learning from each other, and understanding brain injury survivors. It meets virtually on the last Tuesday of the month.Groups hosted by Brain Injury Services will meet virtually unless otherwise indicated. To receive your secure online invitation, RSVP… Read More »Fredericksburg Women’s Coffee Social Group 

Event Series Human Library Experiment

Human Library Experiment

Caboose Commons Coffeehouse 2918 Eskridge Rd, Fairfax, Virginia, United States

The Speaker’s Bureau of Brain Injury Services invites survivors and community members who could benefit from hearing peer stories one-on-one to join them for the HUMAN LIBRARY EXPERIMENT.The Speaker’s Bureau comprises survivor volunteers who educate and inspire members of our community through their stories of surviving a brain injury.Modeled after the concept in Copenhagen, Denmark,… Read More »Human Library Experiment


Event Series Virtual Gentle Yoga

Virtual Gentle Yoga

Join us for light mobility, stretching, exercise, meditation, and relaxation to increase our health and quality of life. Our very own yoga instructor, Paula Levin-Alcorn, will lead classes appropriate for all levels.Groups hosted by Brain Injury Services will meet virtually unless otherwise indicated. To receive your secure online invitation, RSVP to the group facilitator below.
