BIS Charity Golf Auction ⛳
We empower adults, teens, and children impacted by brain injury.
We empower adults, teens, and children impacted by brain injury.
We support survivors of brain injury and their families on their recovery journeys.
In Northern Virginia, if you, a family member, a friend, or a patient have:
- Concussion
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain Injury Services (BIS) has free services to support survivors of brain injury wherever they are on their journey.
BIS is a unique and caring community. BIS provides one-on-one support and connects survivors to learn from each other.
The dedicated staff at Brain Injury Services works to repair lives, recover possibility, and restore hope. BIS’ innovative programs and services help survivors of brain injuries, their families, and caregivers as well as the communities they live in.

BIS in Action

Bridle Path and the Journaling group were my saviors when I moved to Northern Virginia – they helped me find lifelong friends and build my confidence. The Barn is a magical place, where you can just relax and be yourself. No one had ever let me do that before. If I didn’t remember something I’d been shown, they would just patiently explain it again. It was a place where I couldn’t do anything wrong.

Su Meck
BIS Client
The most important thing about Brain Injury Services is the friendships – having people to talk to who understand. Before I found BIS I was pretty isolated because of my brain injury – I spent most of my time in the house, watching movies and reading books to pass the time. Having weekly recovery group meetings encouraged me to get out and meet people. Through BIS’ vocational placement program, I’m now doing volunteer work in an office three days a week so I can develop my skills and experience, and someday be able to get a job.

Samson Abebe
BIS Client
Brain Injury Services was our lifeline to recovery, and a life filled with joy and a good quality to life, everyone else had given up on Mahlon. BIS was with us every step of the way, holding our hands, encouraging us and guiding us to a meaningful life after TBI. I don’t know what would have happened to us without Brain Injury Services!

Mahlon & Joan Frankhauser
BIS Client
I’m so grateful for the experience at Bridle Path. When things are not good in my everyday life, I think about how my horse Chance has helped me calm down and focus. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to give back and be a volunteer at Bridle Path. Thanks for all your support and for the opportunity to come as we are. Everyone in my church, friends, BIS, and in home care have noticed how powerful and positive these experiences have been for me and how they have helped me. I can’t thank enough all who have made this be a part of my life.

Lee Wigglesworth
BIS Client
Brain injury services gave me hope and directed me to the right kinds of doctors and services who could help me address the emotional and cognitive challenges of living with a TBI.

Kim Daily
BIS Client
My son’s case manager was instrumental in communicating his needs to the school, which didn’t understand TBIs or why he was struggling, and helped him get an IEP responsive to his needs.

Katy Schnitger
BIS Client
Finding the BIS support group at Loudoun Hospital was like a revelation for me. I was no longer alone: I had a community of people who understood what it’s like to struggle with navigating the tasks of daily living. Connecting with other brain injury survivors who have different strengths and are at different stages of recovery helps me learn about new coping strategies and lets me help others who can benefit from my perspective and experiences.

Joan Delcoco
BIS Client
This community is lucky to have BIS because there’s nothing else out there like them. They help clients find resources to live their new normal as meaningfully as the client decides to.

Amy Hobbs
BIS Client
When Amir was introduced into the ComPASS program, it changed everything. Over the next few months, Amir and the OT team collaborated. Amir felt heard; His input was not only considered, but required. Working together, the team developed and built a protector for Amir’s lower leg that was customized to his wheelchair, collaborated with NOVAlabs to fabricate a cover, provided a device for voice commands to automate home activities, and the list goes on. As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. Amir’s transport mishap turned into an opportunity to explore, collaborate and find solutions.

Annadurai Amirthalingam
BIS Client
“With over 400,000 survivors of brain injury in Northern Virginia, we hope to one day have the resources possible to care for everyone in our community in need of our services.”
Our Supporters